St Catherine’s Chapel

St Catherine’s Chapel, on its hill above the village of Abbotsbury in West Dorset, forms a dramatic landmark and seamark. From a platform of level ground, its ‘fearfully exposed position’ (as Thomas Hardy described it) gives extensive views across the Fleet to Portland, and west across Lyme Bay to Torbay in Devon. Below, in a protective fold in the hills, lie the village, and the ruins of the great monastery which built the rugged little chapel to St Catherine in the fourteenth century.

(Quoted from the preface of ‘St Catherine’s Chapel at Abbotsbury and the Legend of the Saint’ written by Laurence Keen, County Archaeologist, for Abbotsbury’s Millennium project celebrating St Catherine of Alexandria. )

St Catherines ChapelThis booklet giving more detail of the chapel, and also the legend and influence of St Catherine of Alexandria can be bought via Amazon, see link here.

Proceeds from the sale of this book will go to St Nicholas Church, Abbotsbury.


Candles on St Catherine’s Hill

Sunday 24th November 2024

Workshop in Strangways Hall from 11am till 3pm.
Candlebags as usual @ £2 from local shops and Bridport Tourist
Information Centre and at the Workshop.

Singing on the Hill from 3pm
A Service in the Chapel at 3.45pm

The project is being run by
Friends of St Nicholas.

Led by: Julie Evans, Gard Gawor, Barbara Laurie

St Catherine of Alexandria is the patron saint of the chapel on the hill in Abbotsbury.
We celebrate on the nearest convenient Sunday to St Catherine’s Day, 25th November.

More information – Candles On St Catherine’s Hill