Friends of St Nicholas

Contact details:
Chair of Trustees
St. Nicholas Church
Church Street, Abbotsbury, DT3 4JJ

Tel 07710 995994

Charity Number: XT31464

We are an independent charity that aims to bring together all those who care for the church of St Nicholas, Abbotsbury.
Friends of St Nicholas


Why be a Friend?

Perhaps you have family ties in the parish or have used the church in the past and would like to maintain a link. You may be a visitor, enjoying the tranquillity, history or architecture and would like to support the upkeep of this beautiful building.

It may just be that you wish to see the church continue to play a part in the lives of ordinary people in Abbotsbury, just as it has for the past 700 years. Members of the church meet the needs of the ministry but the Friends help maintain, restore and enhance the structure and furnishings of the church and its environment. Friends members may not be Anglicans, Christians or hold any beliefs – our common ground is a desire to preserve the building. As a Friend you will receive a newsletter (by email where possible) with all the news and details of forthcoming events.

What do we do?

The objectives of the Friends of St. Nicholas are to assist in the care, maintenance and preservation of the fabric of the church. The financial pressure of increasing costs for maintenance and repair make it essential that we all help to ensure it is able to meet the demands of the future. Over the years we have supported the church fabric in a number of ways:

  • making a significant contribution towards the cost of replacing the lead on the roof following a theft
  • paying for the maintenance of the Victorian clock on the tower, providing a portable lectern and replacing the church gates
  • supplying equipment such as tea urns, curtains and a vacuum cleaner
  • supplying large print prayer books
  • installing the sound system
  • contributing to the church flower fund

There is much we have done and, with an increasing membership, much more we can do. We invite all those who love this church to join us in our work and encourage you to become a Friend of St. Nicholas Church, Abbotsbury. Membership forms will be found in the church or may be obtained from our Chairman – contact details are in this page.