Parnham Voices – Below The Hill

Parnham Voices – Below The Hill

a cappella music for a summer afternoon in Abbotsbury Directed by James L Thomas Sunday 22 May 4.00pm. St Nicholas Church, Abbotsbury Tickets £5 (under 12 years of age free) call 01305 871532 or on the door Proceeds from the concert will support the work of the...
The Queen’s Jubilee

The Queen’s Jubilee

Four Chairmen from local Abbotsbury groups: Friends of St Nicholas, Beachcombers, Strangways Hall and ATTA have formed a committee to plan some exciting activities in the village to celebrate the occasion. (as announced at the CBPC meeting in February).
Dorset Art Weeks May 2022

Dorset Art Weeks May 2022

Dorset Art Weeks, 14-29 May 2022 This year there will be a printed version as well as the website to tell you all the participating venues, which will include some very local artists.

Reporting Candles on the Hill on 21st November 2021

The 2021 project was run jointly by ATTA and Friends of St Nicholas. The event happens each year on the nearest convenient Sunday to St Catherine’s Day. It is always windy and cold on St Catherine’s Hill, and this year proved to be no exception. Read...
The Spirit of Woodstock

The Spirit of Woodstock

Something Underground’s Latest Open Air Show plays The Rifles Wardrobe Museum, Salisbury, Mill Farm, Bradford Abbas and The Abbey House, Abbotsbury, Dorset. More Information